Karriere bei der Wondersys

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Du möchtest unserem Team beitreten?

Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach talentierten Softwareentwicklern, kreativen UI/UX-Designern und Experten für Cloud-Infrastrukturen.

Wenn Du IT liebst, in einem freundlichen und fordernden Umfeld arbeiten möchten, neugierig und bereit bist, schneller zu reagieren, als sich die Technologie verändert, sende uns eine E-Mail mit Deinem Lebenslauf und Deinem Bewerbungsschreiben.

Bitte nicht vergessen zuerst unsere Datenschutzformular auszufüllen.

We are looking for a full-stack developer to join our team. We are searching for someone who will actively collaborate in the development of our systems and who will handle the resolution of issues reported by customers. The ideal candidate shares our working approach, putting the customer at the center and offering timely and attentive support.

You will join the development team to work on web applications developed mainly with Angular, which rely on backends developed with different technologies. You will be supported by senior staff for an initial period and will subsequently manage tasks independently.

For this role, the following are required:

    • Experience in web application development


    • Knowledge of HTML and JavaScript


    • Excellent knowledge of the HTTP protocol


    • Experience with at least one of the main frontend development frameworks and libraries such as Vue, React, Angular 2, jQuery.


    • Knowledge of the main software development and maintenance tools: Maven, Git


    • Experience in web server development with any PHP, Java NodeJS technology.


Competences and/or experience in one or more of the following areas are preferred:

    • UI/UX Design


    • Knowledge of CSS, LESS


    • Experience with NodeJS and TypeScript


    • Familiarity with object-oriented programming


    • Familiarity with e2e testing


    • Knowledge of non-relational databases


    • Experience in Cloud development


Professional growth:

Wondersys is certified ISO 9001:2015 and UNI/Pdr 43:2018: we take security and quality aspects very seriously and believe that training is a value to be cultivated. The training program is shared annually within the company, which pays for the costs. We offer the opportunity to undertake training courses on:

    • language, with individual or group lessons


    • technologies, aimed at professional certification especially in the Cloud field (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure)


    • quality, privacy and data security



We have an active contractual and additional welfare program linked to the results achieved during the year. Employees have access to a platform to use this credit independently. We have supplementary health care assistance.

Office and Smart working:

We are located in Livorno, not far from the station, in a well-served area with ample parking space.

We offer great flexibility: the team can work both from the office, in a modern and comfortable environment, and in smart working. For this reason, we provide each collaborator with a personal laptop.

We are looking for a platform engineer to strengthen our team. You will work alongside the company’s DevOps team on two main fronts: the internal infrastructure to support development and the public and private cloud environments for various projects.

You will work to manage and extend the internal development support platform with the goal of maintaining a quality and efficient infrastructure that is convenient for developers, automating deployment processes through CI/CD.

You will be responsible for designing and planning cloud environments for various projects on public and private cloud, using the latest available technologies. We work with a microservices approach for processes that need to scale quickly.

We value:

    • a degree in technical-scientific subjects (Computer Engineering or similar)


    • experience as a DevOps


    • professional certifications in AWS and Google Cloud


    • knowledge of English and German


What you will find:

Technologies – we mainly work with these tools:

    • Docker


    • Kubernetes


    • Helm


    • Linux (Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOs)


    • GitLab


    • Google Cloud Platform


    • Amazon AWS


    • Azure


    • Red Hat Openshift


    • Nessus, OpenVAS


Professional growth:

Wondersys is certified ISO 9001:2015 and UNI/Pdr 43:2018: we take security and quality aspects very seriously and believe that training is a value to be cultivated. The training program is shared annually within the company, which pays for the costs. We offer the opportunity to undertake training courses on:

    • language, with individual or group lessons


    • technologies, aimed at professional certification especially in the Cloud field (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure)


    • quality, privacy and data security



We have an active contractual and additional welfare program, linked to the results achieved during the year. Employees have access to a platform to use this credit independently. We have supplementary health care assistance.

Office and Smart working:

We are located in Livorno, not far from the station, in a well-served area with ample parking space.

We offer great flexibility: the team can work both from the office, in a modern and comfortable environment, and in smart working. For this reason, we provide each collaborator with a personal laptop.

We are looking for a person who supports our customers in adopting the collaboration and productivity platforms we provide. He deals with the resolution of reported problems, placing the customer at the center and offering a punctual and attentive assistant service.
For this role we value:

  • Knowledge of TCP/IP networks
  • Experience in system management for Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux operating systems
  • Driving licenses and availability of short transfers to customers
  • Knowledge of spoken and written English

Preferred skills and/or experience in one or two of the following ambitions constitute a qualification:

  • Degree in Computer Engineering or Information Science
  • Router/firewall configuration and management
  • Hardware configuration
  • System management via Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS and Linux
  • VPN administration/configuration
  • Google Workspace Administration
  • Google cloud platform
  • Microsoft Azure administration
  • Professional certifications
  • Customer support

What you will find:

Professional growth: Wondersys is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and UNI/Pdr 43:2018 certified. We take safety and quality aspects very seriously and believe that training is a value to be cultivated.

Offering the possibility of undertaking training courses:

  • linguistics, with individual or group lessons
  • technologically, oriented towards professional certification particularly in the Cloud sector (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure)
  • Data quality, privacy and security


We have an active contractual and additional welfare program, linked to the results achieved during the year. Employees have access to a platform to use this credit independently. We have supplementary health care assistance.

Office and smart working:

The collaboration is based on full-time working hours. Located in Livorno, not located in the station, in an area equipped with services and large parking spaces. We offer great flexibility: the team can work perfectly, in a modern and comfortable environment, in smart working. Occasional trips to clients may be necessary.

Wir schaffen ein kreatives Umfeld

Wir bieten unserem Team ein herausforderndes Umfeld, ein kontinuierliches Weiterbildungsprogramm, komfortable und moderne Büroräume, effiziente und hochwertige Arbeitsmittel und faire Verträge.

Weiterbildung als Weg zum Erfolg

Ohne Bildung → keine Innovation. Wir bieten unserem Team regelmäßige Schulungsmöglichkeiten an, mit Fokus auf IT-Technologien, aber auch für andere Bereiche wie Sprachen, Geschäftsentwicklung, Datenschutz- und Qualitätsmanagement sowie weiteren Bereichen. Wir arbeiten mit Universitäten und Schulen für Weiterbildungsprogramme zusammen.

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